Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Student Meeting - April 7

So... this is the site where I will tell you what we are up to at Space Camp.  I will post something each day and try to include pictures so that you can see what your child/children are doing.  

Be sure that they attend the Student Meeting after school on April 7.  It will be held in Ms. Gruver's classroom.
This is intended to be just for the campers as I want them to hear about some information about camp directly from me.  I will be sending home with them a list of "What to Pack", information on Gift Cards to be used at camp, and a form to be filled out and returned to me that includes transportation permission and information about who will be picking them up from camp.
I'm looking forward to our trip. 
TTFN (Ta Ta for Now)  the kids will say I'm dorky for using this ;-)